Hi, I’m Kelly Morgan
If you want to know more about me, here’s an excerpt from my story:
From Shadow Artist to Writer and Creative Guide.
Thirty years ago, fresh into my sobriety, Julia Cameron handed me a xeroxed manuscript titled Healing the Artist Within. It was typed, spiral-bound, and a far cry from the glossy bestseller The Artist’s Way you see today. I made her a cup of tea, and she asked me what I felt about my work. I told her I felt dissatisfied—something was missing. That’s when she said, “You sound like a shadow artist.”
A shadow artist is someone who supports others’ creativity instead of embracing their own. Her advice? Take different kinds of creative classes without worrying about the grade. Just start.
I did. And that simple step changed everything.
I didn’t just become a guide for others—I became an artist myself. I published books of poetry, performed on stage, and started a business focused on creativity and self-expression. I still help others, as I always have, but now I also honor my own creative path.
Fast forward to today, and I’m still doing what I love— guiding others in living up to their creative potential. Whether you’re an experienced artist or someone who swears they’re not creative, together we can step out of the shadows and bring your ideas to life.
Life post-pandemic is turbulent, but creativity offers a way forward—a path to self-love, connection, and spiritual grounding. We don’t need more self-destruction; we need more self-expression.
So, if you’re ready to move beyond perfectionism and self-doubt, join me for a workshop or become a member of the Story Gym. Let’s build your life and your art based on your passion. Your creative potential is waiting for you.
Amy Poehler.