
How To Write Your Story of Self-Discovery in 30 Minutes a Day

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When will I be good enough?

I’m not asking a rhetorical question here.

When Will I Be Good Enough. A Replacement Child’s Journey to Healing (a winner Eric Hoffer, Award Winner For Excellence in Independent Publishing) is the name of a book by author Barbara Jaffe, Ed.D. She takes us on the twists and turns of a journey of self-discovery to a place of self-acceptance.

Have you thought about writing a book but don’t feel like you have enough time?

Barbara planned to write her book on a semester break (she was a full-time English professor who specialized in teaching writing and the Holocaust.

“Then someone suggested I not wait and write a little every day” Barbara wrote me. “I set my alarm for 4:15 and wrote 30 minutes before getting ready for work. Most of the book was written this way with a few extended writing sessions and retreats. It can be done in 20-30 minutes a day!”

I’ll be interviewing author Barbara Jaffe on this episode of First Draft Friday!

Join us and learn: “How To Write Your Story of Self-Discovery in 30 Minutes a Day.”


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